
The 内部审计 and Assurance Office was established to provide an independent examination, 评估, and evaluation of 德克萨斯南方大学 operations on behalf of the 校董会, 总统, 和管理.

除了, the 内部审计和鉴证处 is dedicated to providing management with value-added services, as well as reasonable assurance to the Board and university management in the following categories: 

  • 财务和业务信息的可靠性和完整性
  • 业务的有效性和效率
  • 遵守所有适用的法律、法规和合同
  • 资产保障

在执行这些活动时, 审计员被授权有充分的, 免费的, 不受限制地进入所有财产, 人员 and records (including medical) relevant to the subject under review. The 校董会, via the TSU 内部审计 宪章, grants this authority.

如何选择一个区域进行审核?  开放
审计过程中发生了什么?  开放
遵循什么样的专业标准?  开放
谁来审核审计师?  开放