欢迎来到我们部门. 社会学

社会学系提供两个学位的课程:文学士(学士.A.)和文学硕士(M.A.)在需要选修辅修课程的院系攻读本科学位的学生也可以选修社会学. 感兴趣的学生可以从位于芭芭拉·乔丹和米奇·利兰公共事务学院大楼的社会学系办公室获取信息.


德克萨斯南方大学社会学系的使命是成为全国公认的城市社会学培训的领导者,这些学生将进入研究生/专业学校或以职业为导向的职业. 学生们接受的训练特别强调社会学理论, 方法, 以及社会不平等和城市社会学的实质性领域. 社会学专业将展示这门学科如何推进科学知识, 展现对社会学理论和方法论的理解, 并演示如何成功完成一项科研项目. 在课程范围内, 学生将面临挑战,发展他们的批判性思维能力, 利用技术获取和分析数据, 并参与休斯顿大都会社区的服务学习活动.

完成本课程后, 社会学专业的学生将能够展示对以下内容的理解:

  1. 社会学的学科及其在帮助我们理解社会现实方面的作用, such that the student will be able to: (a) describe how 社会学 differs from and is similar to other social sciences; (b) describe how 社会学 contributes to a liberal arts understanding of social reality; and (c) apply the sociological imagination, 原则, 和他/她自己生活的概念.
  2. 理论在社会学中的作用, such that the student will be able to: (a) define theory and describe its role in building sociological knowledge; (b) compare and contrast basic theoretical orientations; (c) show how theories reflect the historical context of times and cultures in which they were developed; and (d) describe and apply basic theories or theoretical orientations in at least one area of social reality.
  3. 社会学中证据、定性和定量方法的作用, such that the student will be able to: (a) identify basic methodological approaches and describe the general role of methods in building sociological knowledge; (b) compare and contrast the basic methodological approaches for gathering data; (c) design a research study and explain why various decisions are made; and (d) critically assess a published research report and explain how the study could have been improved.
  4. 从因特网检索信息和数据以及适当地使用计算机进行数据分析的技术技能. 社会学专业的学生还应该能够做(社会)科学技术写作,准确地传达数据发现,并表现出作为社会学家对道德实践原则的理解和应用.
  5. 对社会学中至少两个专业领域有深入的了解, such that the student will be able to: (a) summarize basic questions and issues in the areas; (b) compare and contrast basic theoretical orientations and middle-range theories in the areas; (c) show how 社会学 helps the understanding of the area; (d) summarize content research in the area; and (e) develop specific policy implications of research and theories in the areas.

所有专业或辅修课程的成绩都必须达到C或以上. 本系提供的课程不能同时满足核心课程要求和专业毕业要求. 获得英语专业毕业资格, 学生必须遵循特定的课程要求,并完成毕业考试.