研究生院 was established as a unit of 德克萨斯南方大学 when the institution was created by the Texas State Legislature in 1947. 自成立以来, the Graduate School has grown steadily and currently offers degree programs in thirty-six different academic fields.

Graduate courses are taught by faculty members who have been selected for graduate faculty status by the Graduate Council. Regular graduate faculty members have the doctorate degree and hold research and publication credits. 研究 and training are also supported by several centers of research and outreach including: Economic Development Center (EDC), Center for Excellence in Urban Education, Center for Transportation Training and 研究 (CTTR), Mickey Leland Center on World Hunger and Peace, 以家庭为中心, 研究 Centers in Minority Institutions, 心血管中心, and the NASA 研究 Center in Bio技术 and Environmental 健康

研究生院 curriculum includes programs in humanities, 通信, 科学, 技术, 教育, 行为科学, 管理, 和药店. Many of the graduate courses are taught in the evenings and on weekends.

The accreditation of graduate programs at the University has been affirmed by the Southern Association of 学院和学校.

研究生院 holds membership in the Council of Graduate Schools of the United States, the Association of Texas Graduate Schools, the Conference of Southern Graduate Schools and the Council of Historically Black Graduate Schools.